

11199 Yonge Street, Richmond Hill, Ontario

L4S 1L2

電話: 905-883-9288  內線. 2615

傳真: 905-508-0829


Sherry Li  內線. 2619



Linghua Duo  內線. 2630



Connie Ning   內線. 2615



Vivian C.Y. Lee  內線. 2820


Visitors, families and caregivers are an important part of a resident’s care and social support. Please see our Visitor Policy for the latest information.

Precautions for entering the Home

When entering Home, everyone must take the following steps:

Step 1: Review Screening Questions at the entrance. Do not enter if feeling unwell, showing symptoms, are COVID-19 positive, awaiting results of a COVID-19 test, or in close contact with a COVID-19 positive person.

Step 2: Clean your hands with hand sanitizer available from a provided dispenser.

Step 3: Masking is strongly recommended during your visit. Masks are available to all visitors at the Home’s entrance.

Step 4: Complete the Visitor Log.

Visiting Arrangement

Visiting might be restricted if the Home/ Unit is in a Surveillance Outbreak/ Suspected Outbreak/ Confirmed Outbreak.

Visitors may consume foods or drinks in Resident Home Area.

COVID-19 Vaccination

No vaccination requirement for visitors.

Preventing the spread of infection diseases

  • Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands
  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick
  • Stay home when you are sick
  • Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash
  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces

Mon Sheong Long Term Care Centre is a home for our residents and a workplace for our staff. Respectful sharing of spaces and resources ensures an enriching experience for all personnel. Appropriate behaviour, decorum and conduct are required from visitors at all times. This ensures that everyone is treated with respect, and that everyone has an equal opportunity to enjoy a meaningful experience. Activities and/or actions inconsistent with the Home values will not be tolerated. We ask that all visitors follow the guidelines below.

The Quality Improvement Plan is part of the Government of Ontario’s Excellent Care for All Act. The Plan is helping long term care sector to track improvement performance across the system.

Our Quality Improvement Plan is one tool that we are using to help us document and review our current performance in a variety of areas. Through this plan, we identify our targeted areas for improvement and chart our progress towards creating a positive resident experience, meeting community’s expectations and delivering a safe and high quality health care.

More information on Quality Improvements Plans and the Excellent Care for All Act and its requirements are available on the Ministry of Health and Ministry of Long-Term Care websites.

We are committed to protecting our residents, staff and property, and works collaboratively with all externals partners to ensure everyone’s safety and security.

How to respond in case of Emergency?

Code Red: Fire

If you discover a fire or smoke

Leave the area immediately, assisting residents/occupants to leave the area.

Close doors behind you.

Activate a fire alarm pull station.

If evacuation from the building is required, use the nearest exterior exit or exit stairwell to evacuate the building.

Call the Fire Department at 911 [from a safe location].

Remain calm.

Do not use elevators.

Upon hearing fire alarm:
Stand by and prepare to leave the building.

Listen for a change in the fire alarm signals, instructions over the voice communication system or from the Fire Department.

Remain Calm.

Other emergencies or codes

  1. Remain calm
  2. Do not enter the affected area
  3. If within the affected area, stay with the resident/ support network
  4. Await direction from our staff

Our Emergency Plan helps staff, emergency personnel and residents during emergency situations such as

  • Outbreaks of communicable diseases, outbreaks of disease of public health significance, epidemics and pandemics
  • Fire (as part of the Ontario Fire Code)
  • Community disasters
  • Violent outbursts
  • Bomb threats
  • Medical emergencies
  • Chemical spills
  • Situations involving a missing resident
  • Loss of one or more essential services (Water supply, Power outage, Gas supply)
  • Gas leaks
  • Natural disasters or extreme weather events (e.g. earthquakes, tornadoes, extreme heat or cold, drought)
  • Boil water advisories
  • Floods



  1. 與員工商討
  2. 與當值護士主管商討
  3. 與主管及經理商討
  4. 與院長商討
  5. 與高級院長商討
  6. 與行政總裁商討




請盡量清楚列出你關心事項的資料, 這有助院舍更有效跟進你的投訴。


  • 長期護理院的名字
  • 長期護理院地址(包括城鎮或城市)
  • 事件的描述(關心事項是否持續性的問題?)
  • 針對特定事件:發生的時間和地點(例如: 院舍外或院舍內)
  • 涉及人士
  • 你希望院舍如何處理您的投訴

院友和家人亦可以致電長期護理家庭支援和行動熱線:免費長途電話 1-866-434-0144。

Mon Sheong Foundation, as a Healthcare Service Provider (HSP) has entered into a Long-Term Care Home Service Accountability Agreement (L-SAA) with Home and Community Care Support Services. The documents are available for reference.