Mon Sheong Foundation Brings Two More Long-Term Care Centers to York Region
Community looking forward to new Stouffville and Markham long-term care centres
MARKHAM, ON (March 18, 2022) – Today, the Minister of Long-Term Care, Honourable Paul Calandra, made an announcement at the future site of the Mon Sheong Markham Senior Care Campus. The Ontario government has allocated an additional 128 long-term care beds to their Markham Senior Care Campus as well as another 224 for a second building at their Stouffville Long-Term Care Centre location. This announcement was met with explosive fanfare, as these allocations would mark Mon Sheong’s role as one of the largest non-profit long-term care providers in Ontario with a total of 1929 beds.
“With this allocation, Mon Sheong is able to provide 320 care beds at our new Markham Long-Term Care Centre and another 224 beds at our Stouffville Long-Term Care Centre,” Tim Kwan, Chairman of Mon Sheong Foundation, said. “This is an excellent opportunity for us to provide quality care services to those in need in our communities. Coupled with the government’s recent funding announcements, Mon Sheong Long-Term Care Centre residents, current and future, can look forward to receiving even more quality care services.”
“Our government has a plan to fix long-term care and a key part of that plan is building modern, safe, and comfortable homes for our seniors,” said Paul Calandra, Minister of Long-Term Care.
Mon Sheong Stouffville Long-Term Care Centre opened their doors in autumn of last year and has been steadily admitting residents since. The allocation of 224 beds will mean that this location will house 554 care beds for those in need. This is the beginning of the first campus of care in Stouffville. Mon Sheong’s new Markham Senior Care Campus continues to expand as their long-term care bed licences grow from 160 to 192 to finally 320 care beds. This will be the largest long-term care centre in the City of Markham, providing long-term care services to those in need from every community. The new Markham Senior Care Campus will be the first of its kind in the city.
This Campus will make a significant impact in Markham. By 2026, Markham will experience an increase of 120% in seniors living in the city, York Region will experience a 300% in the next 20 years. These figures only heighten the urgent need for long-term care as Mon Sheong’s own waitlist for all four long-term care centres have over 7,500 people waiting. Mon Sheong hopes that these allocations will bring some relief to their burgeoning waitlist.
With the Ontario government’s recent funding announcements, Mon Sheong will be receiving $6.5 million for all four long-term care centres in the coming year. This additional funding will be used for increasing care hours for residents, ensuring they are receiving more quality long-term care.
Tim Kwan, Chairman of Mon Sheong Foundation, speaks during the announcement of more care bed licences to Mon Sheong Foundation.
From left to right: MPP Billy Pang, Markham – Unionville; Stephanie Wong, Chief Executive Officer of Mon Sheong Foundation; the Honourable Paul Calandra, Minister of Long-Term Care; Tim Kwan, Chairman of Mon Sheong Foundation; the Honourable Raymond Cho, Minister of Seniors and Accessibility.
Group photo after the announcement, celebrating the allocation of more beds to Mon Sheong Foundation.